Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't Call That Man during a bad economy

If you've been hit by the bad economy
Don’t Call That Man!

If you're nervous about losing your job, have been laid off, lost money in your investments or your 401k,
this is not the time to cave and call your ex or a man you've decided to let go of!
What if your call with him upsets or even devastates you and then you have to cope with an extra problem?
What if he tells you he's with someone else ?
What if he blows you off?
What if he acts warm and supportive and then you still have to just say good bye because you're not together anymore? You'll have to start the process of detaching all over again.
You don't want to end up having more problems than you started out with.
Instead focus on you and your present financial challenges, work or career.
Don't use him as a "fix" to distract you.
Utilize your friends, colleagues and family for emotional support.
Be proactive
Think positively, and
Don't Call That Man!

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